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Project Activities


An International, Observational, Registry Study of New Inhibitors in the Aging Hemophilia Population

Interest in this topic was generated from a 2011 publication that documented a second peak of inhibitor incidence in older patients with severe hemophilia A.


Link to Pubmed: (Hay CR, Palmer B, Chalmers E, Liesner R, Maclean R, Rangarajan S, Williams M, Collins PW; United Kingdom Haemophilia Centre Doctors' Organisation (UKHCDO). Incidence of factor VIII inhibitors throughout life in severe hemophilia A in the United Kingdom. Blood 2011; 117(23):6367-70.)


The objectives for this new retrospective study are to answer the following questions:


  • Will there be a second peak of inhibitor formation at older age (>50 years of age)?
  • Does the treatment mode (prophylaxis/on demand) modify the risk of inhibitor formation?

The study design, which is nearing the final stages of completion, will include:


  1. A systematic literature review to extract information regarding inhibitor development in PTPs with severe hemophilia A (<1%) at older age
  2. A retrospective cross-sectional study of the ADVANCE cohort.


Please note, this study was formerly known as New Inhibitors in the Elderly.